Thursday, August 27, 2020
Course Notes - Speaking to Inform free essay sample
Some useful addresses are about procedures. 1 . A procedure is a methodical arrangement of activities that prompts a particular outcome or item. 2. Addresses about procedures clarify how something is made, portray how something is done, or pass on how something works. 3. There are two sorts of useful addresses about procedures. A. One sort clarifies a procedure so the crowd will comprehend it better. B. The other sort clarifies a procedure so the crowd will have the option to play out the procedure themselves. 4. Discourses about procedures regularly require visual guides. C.Charts are a powerful method to plot the means of a procedure. D. At times, the speaker should show the means or methods of the procedure. 5. Addresses about procedures require cautious association. E. Addresses that clarify a procedure bit by bit are orchestrated in sequential request. F. Addresses that emphasis on the significant standards or methods engaged with playing out the procedure are generally masterminded in topical request. We will compose a custom exposition test on Course Notes Speaking to Inform or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page G. Whichever technique for association is utilized, each progression in the process must be clear and simple for audience members to follow. C. Some enlightening talks are about occasions. Discourses about occasions can manage any sort of occurring or event. The event might be recorded in nature. B. The event might be ordinarily in nature. 2. There are numerous approaches to sort out a discourse about an occasion. C. Addresses that relate the historical backdrop of an occasion are organized in sequential request. D. Discourses that manage specific components of an occasion are generally orchestrated in topical request. D. Some instructive addresses are about ideas. 1 . Talks about ideas pass on data concerning convictions, hypotheses, standards or other theoretical subjects. . Addresses about ideas are normally orchestrated in topical request. C. One regular methodology is to count the fundamental highlights or parts of the idea. D. A progressively mind boggling approach is to characterize the idea, recognize its significant components, and outline it with explicit models. 3. Discourses about ideas are frequently more mind boggling than different sorts of instructive addresses. A. While examining ideas, a speaker ought to stay away from specialized language and characterize terms plainly. B. A speaker ought to likewise utilize models and correlations with make ideas reasonable to audience members. E.The lines isolating peaches about articles, procedures, occasions and ideas are not supreme. Most subjects can fit into more than one classification relying on how the discourse is created. 2. The most significant thing is that speakers choose how they need to deal with a subject and afterward build up the discourse in like manner. II. There are five rules for compelling enlightening talking. A. Enlightening speakers ought to be careful about overestimating what the crowd knows. 3. Much of the time, the crowd will be just ambiguously educated about the speakers point. 4. The speaker can't expect the crowd will realize what the individual methods. Did misconception, the speaker must clarify thoughts altogether and obviously. B. Instructive speakers should discover approaches to relate the subject legitimately to the crowd. 1. Enlightening speakers must perceive that what is entrancing to them may not be captivating to everyone. 2. Successful enlightening speakers work to get the crowd intrigued and to keep them intrigued. E. They start with an innovative presentation that associates the theme with the interests and worries of the crowd. F. They discover ways all through the body of the discourse to discuss the subject as far as their sterner.C. Educational speakers ought to abstain from being excessively specialized. 1. An educational discourse might be excessively specialized on the grounds that the topic is unreasonably specific for the crowd. 2. An educational discourse may likewise be excessively specialized on account of the speakers utilization of Jargon or dark language. 3. Viable instructive speakers select themes that are not very specialized for the crowd. 4. Successful instructive speakers perceive that language suitable for a group of people of experts likely could be befuddling to a general crowd. D. Educational speakers ought to maintain a strategic distance from deliberations. Supplanting dull reflections with explicit subtleties gives an enlightening discourse additionally convincing. 2. One approach to keep away from reflections is intensive depiction. A. Brilliant depictions of outside occasions can bring audience members into the discourse. B. Depiction can likewise be utilized to convey inward emotions distinctively and engagingly. 3. A subsequent method to keep away from reflections is with examinations. A. Correlations permit a speaker to clarify new thoughts in solid, recognizable terms. B. Viable enlightening speakers are capable at utilizing correlations with bring audience members into the discourse. A third method to keep away from deliberations is with differentiate. A. Like examination, agreement can place reflections into solid terms. B. Difference is likewise a superb method to give audience members a feeling of viewpoint on ideas and occasions. E. Useful speakers ought to customize their thoughts. Nothing breathes life into an enlightening discourse more than individual representations. 2. At whatever point conceivable, educational speakers should attempt to writer their thoughts in human terms. 3. The most ideal approach to achieve this is with models genuine or speculative that customize the topic.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Satire and Fantasy in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt Vonne
Parody and Fantasy in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle For this article, I chose to pick two terms that portray Cat's Cradle. I felt that parody and dream were two terms that fit the novel very well. The book qualifies as a parody since it makes a joke of things that were of worry in the sixties. For instance, the Cuban rocket emergency was a major issue in the mid sixties. Religion was paid attention to considerably more, and the nuclear family was all the more firmly twisted. In the novel, the danger comes not from an enormous warhead, yet from a little precious stone of Ice-nine. Religion is satired in Bokononism, which is a religion that depends on lies. The nuclear family is satired by the Hoenikkers. The dad is confined from the real world, the sister is a monster, and the sibling is a smaller person. The Cuban danger is additionally parodied by San Lorenzo and it's despot Papa Monzano. Feline's Cradle likewise has numerous components of imagination woven all through. A little precious stone that can freeze water and can wreck the world and must be halted by a temperature of 114 degrees is a genuine case of the dream component in the novel. It gives the story a practically advanced feel, despite the fact that by current gauges the book is dated. Jonah's entire experience is suggestive of fanciful stories. He excursions to a distant land, San Lorenzo. He is called to experience by Newt's letter. He finds an otherworldly charm, Ice-nine. He begins to look all starry eyed at the lovely lady, Mona. The religion of Bokononism has a dream component to it. Johnson changes his name to Bokonon much like in Buddhism. There are on the whole the works in the Books of Bokonon, and the Boko-maru which are both awesome thoughts in themselves. Feline's Cradle contains numerous components of numerous sorts of kinds. It could be consider... ...t has no genuine inspiration, and for what reason should he when he will be dealt with by Angela for an amazing remainder. I like Newt since he doesn't feel frustrated about himself, and treats everything unassumingly and as though it is self-evident, Isn't everyone [self-taught]? Newt has all the earmarks of being an individual who couldn't care less what every other person thinks and consistently endeavors to be a person. I believe that the parody alone in Cat's Cradle is sufficient to urge humankind to improve a world. Vonnegut causes things to appear to be amusing in the book that truly are not interesting, all things considered, for example, a nuclear bomb, a dad who disregards his kid and every other person, and an island where individuals are hung for rehearsing a specific religion. The book is entertaining, yet it made me consider what the world would resemble on the off chance that it truly was that way. It would be awful, and unquestionably nothing to chuckle at.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Letter Writing
Essay Letter WritingFor people who are trying to go for an essay, the usage of essay letter writing will be a big help. There are lots of factors that contribute to why essay writing is important.It is extremely important for students to study well and write essays needlessly will not only lead to poor performance but can also prove to be harmful to their future. So, the first thing that a student has to do is to keep a calm mind. People who find writing interesting have to take the time to write an essay even though they know that they are not very good at it.A lot of writing and education experts believe that the results of writing essays will be shown in the student's grades, personality and the future career. While you are going for a writing assignment, you will find that essay letter writing helps a lot. Even a student who does not have much time to write or can not compose a meaningful essay will have a tough time if they try to write it themselves. There is nothing wrong in h aving someone else read it and give constructive criticism but it is always better to be able to sit at your own desk and write a letter yourself.Essay letter writing is not difficult at all if you are able to formulate your topic in a well organized way. While composing an essay, make sure that you come up with a proper topic that will make the students analyze your essay carefully and concentrate on it.Another important thing that you need to do is to write your topic clearly so that no one will be left wondering about what your purpose is. The best way to make sure that your essay is unique is to know what is relevant to your topic. Write an essay about something that is relevant to your topic but make sure that it is brief and to the point.As mentioned earlier, students get bored easily especially when the subjects are more familiar. So, if you want to save your students from boredom, you need to write the topic of your essay as interestingly as possible. If you want your studen ts to read the essay more carefully, make sure that the topics of your essay are easier to understand and more innovative.Well, if you have already started writing the essay, you need to avoid losing your train of thought. In addition, you need to be able to stick to a well-written outline for the essay. This is because once you start creating your outline, your essay is bound to become chaotic and you might not be able to finish the task.The next thing that you need to consider while writing an essay is making sure that you are able to use an essay writing software that will allow you to organize the information that you want to put in your essay easily. The software will help you organize the information that you want to place in your essay with the help of some features that will make sure that you are able to control the format of your essay.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Learning Styles And Techniques Of Teaching - 898 Words
During my class in Curriculum, Methods, and Assessments: Science and Math, I have had the opportunity to observe two different mathematic teachers. Through those observations I have gained great knowledge and understanding. I was exposed to different teaching, learning styles and techniques. Being able to observe a few different classrooms has given me an opportunity to witness different aspects of teaching. Through all of my observations during college of teachers I am confident that teaching is what I want to do with the rest of my life. I will touch on a few topics from my observation throughout my paper such as, the objective of the lesson, types of methods the teachers used, differentiation instruction, ways the teachers assess learning in the classroom and changes that I could make to the lesson. For my observations at Metzger Middle School, I had the opportunity to observe Ms. Williams and Ms. James sixth grade Mathematics classrooms. During Ms. Williams first period she had a Co-Teacher to assist her students that were ESLs (1 student) and IEP/504 (5 students). A student that was in a wheelchair was also amongst the students; accommodations were made for this student, for example; the co-teacher had the student that was sitting in the first chair by the door move back a desk so that the student could put his chair up the desk. Some of the methods that the teacher provided were mathematical reference sheets and formula charts to help them when answeringShow MoreRelatedEssay about Teaching Techniques for Different Learning Styles771 Words  | 4 PagesTeaching Techniques for Different Learning Styles As teachers we will be faced with many difficult tasks one of which will be finding creative ways to motivate the children in our classes to learn. There are so many teaching techniques it may be overwhelming for new teachers. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Gandhi The Situational Leader - 3106 Words
Gandhi: The Situational Leader Akanksha Jolly ESLI Gandhi: The Situational Leader According to Burns(1978) â€Å"Leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing by persons with certain motives and values, various economic, political, and other resources, in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize goals independently or mutually held by both leaders and followers†(p. 425). Leaders often find themselves in violent situations, and many of them are unsure of how to proceed in such situations. However, by understanding the need of the situation, they adopt the best approach to overcome challenges which leads to positive outcome. One leader who epitomizes this is Mahatma Gandhi who was able to tie the whole†¦show more content†¦Gandhi analyzed the complexities of the situation thoroughly before making any strategy. Therefore he aimed at using different leadership styles according to the demand of the situation. . According to Northhouse (2014), a transformational leader brings reforms and pursues his followers by making them better aware of the grandness of the outcome of the task. A follower’s motivation and performance in increased by transformational leadership. A transformational leader is measured in terms of his influence on his followers. The leaders bring a positive reform in their followers and pursue people to have knowledge about what needs to be done and to have an essence of their true north. This will help them move to a purposeful action. In this leadership style, the leader also raises the motivation, functioning and team spirit of his follower group. Gandhi instilled the qualities of trust, loyalty, recognition and valuing others which led to a drastic change in the mind and heart of his followers. This all led to the transformation of their belief and principals. Also, their vision was enlarged and they were provided a clear purpose. Gandhi’s followers not only supported him of his non violence movement but also endorsed his ideas in the mass. The situation that led to change in leadership style of Gandhi was the failure of 1857 struggle for freedom which was based on the use of arms and indiscipline which the army encouraged. Gandhi usedShow MoreRelatedLeadership Is A Crucial Part Of Life898 Words  | 4 PagesLeadership is a crucial part of life. Without leaders the world would probably fall apart. People need leaders to follow and to set an example for them. Leaders step up and stand up for what they believe in. They can be men or women and even children. Leaders can be found in every country, state, and city. They are located around the world, but not all leaders are good, effective leaders. There are leaders that abuse their power. However, there are also selfless leaders who truly make an impact on lives. 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Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledgeRead MoreLeadership Theories and Principles988 Words  | 4 Pagescoherent. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. II. Body/Content Leadership theories have emerged through the centuries. They focus on the qualities distinguished between leaders and followers. Others looked at other factors such as situations and skill levels. There are eight major theories of leadership. First, the Great Man theories which assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent – that great leaders are born, notRead MoreOrganizational Objectives : Leadership And Management Essay1500 Words  | 6 PagesOrganizational objectives 3 What leaders do? 4 Importance of leadership 5 Functions of leadership 5 Leadership vs. Management 5 Leadership is more important than management 6 Personal thought 7 The Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership model 9 Referencing 10 Bibliography 11 â€Æ' Section 1 Introduction Leadership can be described as a method of social influence where one individual can join up the help and support of others in the completion of a common job. A leader merely is someone whom people follow
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business Ethics More Important Than You Think - 1577 Words
Cynthia Kowalski Mr. Flynn English 3, Period 8 30 January 2015 Business Ethics: More Important Than You Think There is no debate that building a business from the ground up is a difficult thing to do. Then, take into account all of the nuts and bolts, the little things that go into running a business. You have employees, inventory, stock, finances and everything that might slip through the cracks to worry about. Most importantly businesses have public perceptions. This very thing defines a business and how successful it may or may not be. The way the public reacts to business determines whether it will sinks or floats. There are two words, which if used correctly can change the fate of a company: business ethics. Ethics play a part in†¦show more content†¦However, Anglo American knew the gains they could make if they showed the public that they took the environment into mind. The company took a more expensive, less environmentally damaging way too mine and hoped that they would gain the public’s approval and it did (Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility). As a m ining company they do impact the environment and their company is a model example of how you can act ethically while doing something others may deem wrong. Even though they took a more financially demanding path, they took ethics into consideration and the company gained more support from the public and even increased the benefits for local communities. To say the least, ethics can help gain support from the public, but it also can improve the work environment. Workplace ethics are a critical part in maintaining and raising levels of productivity and teamwork. As a leading expert in business ethics once said â€Å"Many ethicists note that it’s the developing and continuing dialogue around the code of ethics that is most important in a place of employment.†(Gebler). Like stated before, when coworkers know the code of ethics in the work place they can be more respectful of the rules and regulations that the company set forth. If a company make the ethics and morals of it known to their employees they are less likely to go against them (Russell). However all company’s don’t make their ethical ground known and they pay the price.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cement Manufacturing Company in Ireland †
Question: Explain On Cement Manufacturing Company in Ireland? Answer: Introduction: The current report is about an interview the maintenance manager of a cement manufacturing company in Ireland. The report is based on the telephonic interview (Skype) conducted with an objective to gather to gather industrial information from the person and based on the information collected a report is drafted including all the salient issues related to the organizational functionality and maintenance planning. The plant where the current maintenance manager communicated with a cement manufacturing company located in Northern Ireland. The plant is quite big and has capacity of about 0.75MT per annum. There are diverse building materials in the cement domain are being manufactured from the plant and the following is the list of the same. When it comes to the product varieties most of the cement being manufactured in the organization will be marketed in the form of bulk cement, which will be taken away from the plan in the form of custom designed trucks. Another important outlet for t he cement from the plant is in the form of packaged cement. Packaged cement will be carried away from the plant in the form of packages and will be further subjected to whole sale and retail marketing through dealers and other marketing network nodal points. Specialty cement is a particular cement which has is both the white cement and calcium aluminate cement. Both these cements are meant for specialist applications and they will be used for such requirements. Other non-cement products like Ground granulated Blast- furnace slag (GGBS) and Fly ash are also being manufactured in the plant for the sake of construction industry applications. As a whole the plant products are being employed in several countries in Europe apart from indigenous usage in Ireland construction industry. It is one of the dominant manufacturer in cement manufacturing companies in Ireland and belong to the world poplar Lafarge-Holcim Group of cement manufacturers. The following is the essence of the interview c onducted and the summary observations are presented in a suitable format as given below, The person interview is one of the maintenance managers of the organization and he is directly responsible for managing about 23 staff in total. Out of the total 23 staff there are about 5 maintenance engineers 7 maintenance supervisors and about 11 casual labor and General workers. He is responsible for the central maintenance operations and is directly responsible for the Vertical roller mill and the Rotary kiln operations. The entire maintenance operations of the Rotary kiln and the Vertical Roller mills employed in the organization are being planned and managed by this team under his supervision (Upasani 2014). The maintenance operations are well designed and being implemented in almost all the companies in the group. KPI (Key performance Indicators) are designed with an objective to improve the overall performance of the plant and they will be used as reference to understand the trend in the organization. Essentially KPIs will formulate a framework to take right steps to further improve the operational performance of the organization. They will be formulated to visualize the overall vision and the mission of the maintenance department of the organization. Ideally the process of formulating the KPIs consist in collection of maintenance data from different divisions of the organization from the statistical reports prepared through the software applications installed in the maintenance department computers. All these computer units are net connected and will record the maintenance planning, the record of the maintenance operations, record the details of the time, equipment usage etc. in the m aintenance operation. The complete information from the maintenance operation is recorded and it will be presented in the form of KPIs for further analysis (Palmer 2014). The following are two areas where the KPIs are used to track the organizational performance, OEE and Equipment Reliability Inventory and Stores management OEE and Equipment Reliability consist in evaluation of the performance of original equipment as well as the reliability of the equipment in general. The following are the KPIs employed in this regard, KPI Mean time between Failures The average time between two failures of the equipment is expected to increase with time At present the VRM (vertical roller mill) - Mean time between two failures is planned to increase by 10% for every year. KPI - % Emergency work Out of total maintenance time, the time required to be invested for the control of the emergency down time of the equipment is the issue measured with this KPI. % Emergency work is expected to be less than 10% of the total maintenance time. This speaks of the reliability of the equipment. Inventory and stores management is another domain that relates the company sales and marketing operations and the results of the analysis of the KPIs in this section can be utilized for organizational production planning as well. Some of the KPIS like lead time can also provide an insight into the supply chain operations and their efficiency and this in-turn will provide further focus on the organizational operations. The following are few KPIs being employed by the current organization to control its inventory and stores management operations (Palmer 1999). KPI Inventory turnover This KPI will be computed based on the statistics of the warehouse, the actual sales in the given time divided by the stores capacity will provide the number of times the inventory turnover has occurred in the given time in the organization. This infact will provide an estimate to compute the actual stores capacity and will provide an insight towards the actual sales trends as well as the need for the production capacity planning. The current ware house has inventory turnover of 2.5 in the time duration of 30 days and is increasing at the rate of 5% every year. KPI Lead time It is an indicator designed to find the performance of the supply chain operations in the organization. There is particular reference to the time it takes for the organization to recollect the goods and the material is the actual term measured by Lead time. KPI of lead time should not be too high this should be in accordance with the production planning procedures. At present the lead time for getting Hammers for EV240 crusher employed in the organization is 25 days. ATOX make vertical roller mill is being used in the cement making production line in the current organization. Since the load on the equipment is quite high and is very essential for the process to happen, Vertical roller mill operation is quite critical for the organizational functionality. The maintenance operations of VRM will be scheduled in accordance with the maintenance plan suggested by ATOX. During the preventive maintenance operations all the maintenance operations will be conducted with the suggested equipment and the details of the findings from the range of equipment will be recorded in the online log records. Also there will be back up recorded on the log books. For example the following is the log record of the bearing of the VRM (Wentz 2014) Maintenance Log: (Online) Online there will be record of the maintenance operations in software as well. The record of the events will be made on the software in the proforma almost as shown above. Statistical results: Typical results like yearly lubrications conducted in the bearings. The number of times the bearings are changed. The total down time of the component due to the failure in emergency breakdowns and the total down time of the equipment due to the preventive maintenance operations etc. will be calculated and shown in the records. Remarks: In the current organization a system wide plant maintenance software is being used and there happens accumulation of data from the entries made in the software periodically and based on the outputs and the results obtained there will be decisions taken out for further maintenance of the equipment. 4) Maintenance Crew Structure and operations: Maintenance crew of the organization are divided in planning, scheduling and execution teams. The planning team and the scheduling team will be situated in the central maintenance office and they are instrumental in planning the maintenance operations of the total equipment in the organization. Day to day schedules and the plans of the maintenance operations will be prepared in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and will be supplied to the maintenance engineers of the execution team. Planning and scheduling teams will work only in one shift. Execution teams will work in three shifts a day, in accordance to the production process and in accordance with the resources availability any shift can be assigned of the duty to perform the maintenance work. There will be three different execution teams in the organization, each working in a different shift. Apart from the actual scheduled maintenance work, there will also be a team working for taking of the unscheduled and emerge ncy maintenance activities. Unscheduled and emergency maintenance activities can happen at any time and there will be centralized maintenance co-ordination team taking care of these activities. In case of emergency the task can be assigned to the execution team or special teams can be made from the staff present in on call duty at any time. Generally each maintenance team will be managed by one senior maintenance engineer, two to three junior engineers and around 5 supervisors and general staff in accordance with the requirements of the job (Peters 2014). 5) Maintenance planning in the organization occur in three simultaneous phases, planned and scheduled, unscheduled or emergency and predictive maintenance. Scheduled planning will be done in accordance to the equipment maintenance requirements. Based on the information and data collected from the technical manuals there will be exhaustive preparation of the year round maintenance schedules, And each schedule will be prepared using custom software available in the organization that make use of the resources like manpower, personnel etc. once the entire planning is done, the scheduling of the maintenance activities will be performed and the reports of the same can be generated with the assignment of the particular maintenance staffs along with work orders mentioning the time and associated requisition forms to collect the material from the stores and tool rooms. Once the entire process is complete the maintenance planning will be executed by the respective teams. Unscheduled maintenanc e will be planned as per the need that arise at any time and will be planned as per the priority and resources availability. Generally special provisions will be made in place to face unscheduled maintenance operations. Predictive maintenance is another important key functionality that can happen any time around the year and will be based on continuous systems monitoring and observation (Palmer 1999). 6) The resources to the execution teams will be allocated by the central planning organization. Apart from few permanent resources that rest with the execution teams, most of the consumables and other required resources will be collected by the execution team members from the tool rooms and warehouses from time to time in accordance with the work orders issues to them by the planning division (Reza 2016). 7) The maintenance crew performance will be assessed based on the completed work orders and registered in the system. The statistics like the total down time consumed, the repetition of the trouble from the specific job, the number of times the particular job is under maintenance etc. will be collected and based on the analysis of these facts the maintenance crew operational performance is estimated(Roda 2014). 8) Organization at present is using Enterprise Resources planning software to manage the organizational level plant maintenance operations. Plant maintenance management software will utilize all the operations of the plant and will work for customizing the maintenance planning in accordance with the requirements from time to time (Khan 2003). 9) SMED is the process where in the jobs will be managed and will be changed on the job centers with an objective to minimize the set-up times. The process consist in minimizing the set-up time. There is no much scope to use the technique in the process line. However in the work-shop used for making small size components for supporting transmission system operations SMED process is used. Timer Pro software and techniques are employed to study the change process using Pareto and custom developed methods are developed for better operational feasibility (Aghezzaf 2007). 10) TPM or total production maintenance is the holistic approach of the organization which will be used by the organization to enhance the equipment performance and operation with maximum efficiency (Xiang 2014). TPM is one of the philosophical concerns of the organization. Both 5S and focus on availability, performance, quality and OEE are employed in the organization for the sake of improving TPM (Liu 2004). 11) Number of Destructive and Nondestructive methods are used for the condition monitoring of the equipment. For example ultra sound and acoustic methods are employed for analyzing the bearing conditions. Oil analysis employed to find the condition of the lubricating components (Ben 2016). 12) Manufacturer catalogue of suggestive maintenance operations will be collected, they will be analyzed on the time framework and a cumulative schedule will be prepared to consolidate the maintenance plan of the equipment. Once the maintenance plan is complete it will be executed. However for making the schedule and planning resources availability will be inspected (Lyonnet 2013). 13) PMs are revised occasionally based on condition monitoring and results noticed from there in. Also installation of new parts different from the original equipment manufacturers insist the usage of different PM plans from the actual devised in the system (Yildrium 2014). 14) FMEA is used to analyze the failure mode and causes. In current organization there are several situations being tested with FMEA procedures for example bearings failure in the VRM are often worked to analyze the bearing failure trends and analysis (Wang 2015). 15) Energy consumption cost of captive power plant (Generator working with Diesel fuel) worked on to reduce by improving the operational performance. Special servicing installation of new engine components, removing internal fillings etc. often performed to enhance the performance of the generators (Ahmadi 2017). 16) RCA is encouraged in maintenance teams. Generally RCA will be performed at managerial and supervisory levels based on the information and data collected for the analysis of the routine maintenance activities. The information collected will be analyzed and evaluated of the basic reasons of failure (Verbert 2017). 17) CMMS of Cworks is being used at the workshops and distributed maintenance operations. However central planning is mostly done on the ERP-PM module (Hosking 2014). 18) Quality checkup division of the procurement section will typically checks the integrity of the intake material used in the organization for new installations (Upasani 2017). Yes, consignment stocking of parts is used (Palmer 2014). Minimum inventory levels for the spares will be determined based on the yearly usage trends and maintenance records (Singh 2014). CMMS and ERP-PM software will generate the spare requirement orders based on the work orders and the maintenance record statistics. Yes, inventory turnovers are formally measured and KPIs are developed to take up further decisions. Ballmark figure of spend on sales will be about $2 million every year. 20) Rather than skill I can say the commitment, hard-work and dedication will make the difference and will contribute for the performance of the job well. Recommendations Since the organization is following solid maintenance plan and execution as such there are no any specific remarks that can be provided. However I wish the planning and execution in the organization can be decentralized. Particularly the operations on the key equipment like kiln, VRM and CCS should be separated from the maintenance of the support equipment like conveyor belts, other transmission units like belts etc. This will contribute to the capacity build up of the skills of the people. Also there is need to have more execution teams in the plant. Apart from that Lafarge is truly performing world class operations in maintenance. I make recommendations to have a separate RD for the maintenance activities of the plant with particular focus on the RCA(Root cause Analysis) and KPI improvements. Conclusion: The current report is a comprehensive coverage of the interview of diverse issues in the plant from the maintenance manager. The report covered the discussion with the manager as well as the recommendations for the information collected from. References Peters, R., 2014.Reliable maintenance planning, estimating, and scheduling. Gulf Professional Publishing. Upasani, K., Bakshi, M., Pandhare, V. and Lad, B.K., 2017. Distributed Maintenance Planning in Manufacturing Industries.Computers Industrial Engineering. Palmer, D., 1999.Maintenance planning and scheduling handbook. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. Wentz, C., 2014. Maintenance Life Cycle PlanningAn Introduction. In2014 Rail Conference. Peters, R., 2014.Reliable maintenance planning, estimating, and scheduling. Gulf Professional Publishing. Reza, J. R. D., Fernndez, J. B., Gayosso, D. G. M., Macas, E. J., Muro, J. C. S. D. (2016). SMED: A Literature Review from 1985 to 2015. InHandbook of Research on Managerial Strategies for Achieving Optimal Performance in Industrial Processes(pp. 386-404). IGI Global. Roda, I., Macchi, M., Fumagalli, L., Viveros, P. (2014). A review of multi-criteria classification of spare parts: From literature analysis to industrial evidences.Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,25(4), 528-549. Khan, F. I., Haddara, M. M. (2003). Risk-based maintenance (RBM): a quantitative approach for maintenance/inspection scheduling and planning.Journal of loss prevention in the process industries,16(6), 561-573. Aghezzaf, E. H., Jamali, M. A., Ait-Kadi, D. (2007). An integrated production and preventive maintenance planning model.European journal of operational research,181(2), 679-685. Liu, M. and Frangopol, D.M., 2004. Optimal bridge maintenance planning based on probabilistic performance prediction.Engineering Structures,26(7), pp.991-1002. Xiang, Y., Cassady, C.R., Jin, T. and Zhang, C.W., 2014. Joint production and maintenance planning with machine deterioration and random yield.International Journal of Production Research,52(6), pp.1644-1657. Ben?Daya, M., Kumar, U. and Murthy, D.N., 2016. Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, and Control.Introduction to Maintenance Engineering: Modeling, Optimization, and Management, pp.451-473. Lyonnet, P., 2013.Maintenance planning: Methods and mathematics. Springer Science Business Media. Yildirim, M.B. and Nezami, F.G., 2014. Integrated maintenance and production planning with energy consumption and minimal repair.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,74(9-12), pp.1419-1430. Wang, S. and Liu, M., 2015. Multi-objective optimization of parallel machine scheduling integrated with multi-resources preventive maintenance planning.Journal of Manufacturing Systems,37, pp.182-192. Ahmadi, R. and Fouladirad, M., 2017. Maintenance planning for a deteriorating production process.Reliability Engineering System Safety,159, pp.108-118. Verbert, K., De Schutter, B. and Babuka, R., 2017. Timely condition-based maintenance planning for multi-component systems.Reliability Engineering System Safety,159, pp.310-321. Hosking, J.R., Yashchin, E. and Zhu, Y., International Business Machines Corporation, 2014.Maintenance planning and failure prediction from data observed within a time window. U.S. Patent 8,887,008. Upasani, K., Bakshi, M., Pandhare, V. and Lad, B.K., 2017. Distributed Maintenance Planning in Manufacturing Industries.Computers Industrial Engineering. Palmer, R., 2014. Six maintenance planning principles.Asset Management Maintenance Journal,27(6), p.8. Singh, J., Rastogi, V. and Sharma, R., 2014. Implementation of 5S practices: A review.Uncertain Supply Chain Management,2(3), pp.155-162.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Exterminate All the Brutes Summary free essay sample
Lindqvist has written more than thirty books of essays, aphorisms, autobiography, documentary prose, travel and reportage.. [4][3] He occasionally publishes articles in the Swedish press, writing for the cultural supplement of the largest Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter, since 1950. [5] He is the recipient of several of Swedens most prestigious literary and journalistic awards. His work is mostly non-fiction, including (and often transcending) several genres: essays, documentary prose, travel writing and reportages. 4] He is known for his works on developing nations in Africa and the Saharan countries, China, India, Latin America and Australia. In the 1960s, partly inspired by the works of Hermann Hesse, Linqvist spent two years in China. He became fascinated by the legend of the Tang dynasty painter, Wu Tao Tzu, who, when standing looking at a mural of a temple he had just completed, suddenly clapped his hands and the temple gate opened. He went into his work and the gates closed behind him. We will write a custom essay sample on Exterminate All the Brutes Summary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [6] His later works, from the late 1980s, tend to focus on the subjects of European imperialism, colonialism, racism, genocide and war, analysing the place of these phenomena in Western thought, social history and ideology. These topics are not uncontroversial. In 1992, Lindqvist was embroiled in heated public debate, when his book Exterminate all the Brutes was attacked for its treatment of the Second World War and the Holocaust. Opponents accused Lindqvist of reducing the extermination of the Jewish people to a question of economical and social forces, thereby disregarding the impact of Nazi ideology and anti-Semitism and what they viewed as the unique historical specificity of the Holocaust. [4] Some of the harshest attacks were launched by Per Ahlmark, who declared Lindqvist to be a Holocaust revisionist. This prompted a furious response by Lindqvist, who considered it a defamatory smear at no point had he ever called into question the Nazi responsibility for, or the number of dead in, the Holocaust. Regarding the original dispute, Lindqvist retorted that his main argument was correct: the Nazi quest for Lebensraum had at its core been an application of the expansionist and racist principles of imperialism and colonialism, but for the first time applied against fellow Europeans rather than against the distant and dehumanized peoples of the Third World. [4] However, he agreed that the long tradition of anti-Semitism in European and Christian thought had given the anti-Jewish campaign of the Nazis a further ideological dimension, and amended later editions of the book to better reflect this.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Free Essays on Maternal Detatchment
Maternal Detachment It was troubling to read about the child abandonment issues in Brazil that were expressed in the book. To read that the â€Å"Selective neglect of infants along with maternal detachment are seen as appropriate maternal responses to a child who does not show the resilience necessary for survival under extreme circumstances of the shantytown†(112) is extremely bothersome, yet in some empathetic way, understood. It is comprehensible that when family’s from â€Å"shantytowns†(whom generally) do not have the emotional or financial support to care for these children, they leave it up to the will of the child to survive or not, because then again as one mother said â€Å"it was wrong to fight death†(113). Even when mothers let their children die, without attention, care or protection, they are expected to stay strong and not shed tears, as if they have moved on and ready to bear more, healthy children. I feel that an ideal mother should not be â€Å"learning how to let go†, but â€Å"learning how to hold on†. Although I try to understand the mother’s point of view, my ethnocentric views have much more to say about this matter. It is clear that these women’s economic and social standing is not the most elite and they do not have opportunities, as those of the middle or upper class to seek childcare whenever they think it is necessary. I also understand that these women are placed in extremely difficult positions when they need strong healthy children in the future to work and help support the family. But my optimistic self cant help to believe that something positive can be brought from this. Even when women are in mourning from losing their child, they may also feel a closer connection with other women in their communities that are there for support, and able to teach them how to learn and grow from each mishap. Although this isn’t what most people want to hear, there needs to be something these women can do in... Free Essays on Maternal Detatchment Free Essays on Maternal Detatchment Maternal Detachment It was troubling to read about the child abandonment issues in Brazil that were expressed in the book. To read that the â€Å"Selective neglect of infants along with maternal detachment are seen as appropriate maternal responses to a child who does not show the resilience necessary for survival under extreme circumstances of the shantytown†(112) is extremely bothersome, yet in some empathetic way, understood. It is comprehensible that when family’s from â€Å"shantytowns†(whom generally) do not have the emotional or financial support to care for these children, they leave it up to the will of the child to survive or not, because then again as one mother said â€Å"it was wrong to fight death†(113). Even when mothers let their children die, without attention, care or protection, they are expected to stay strong and not shed tears, as if they have moved on and ready to bear more, healthy children. I feel that an ideal mother should not be â€Å"learning how to let go†, but â€Å"learning how to hold on†. Although I try to understand the mother’s point of view, my ethnocentric views have much more to say about this matter. It is clear that these women’s economic and social standing is not the most elite and they do not have opportunities, as those of the middle or upper class to seek childcare whenever they think it is necessary. I also understand that these women are placed in extremely difficult positions when they need strong healthy children in the future to work and help support the family. But my optimistic self cant help to believe that something positive can be brought from this. Even when women are in mourning from losing their child, they may also feel a closer connection with other women in their communities that are there for support, and able to teach them how to learn and grow from each mishap. Although this isn’t what most people want to hear, there needs to be something these women can do in...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Political culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Political culture - Essay Example First of all, the citizens of this country are strongly convinced that any processes that happen in the society should be performed according to the applicable legislation; in other words, the rule of law is one of the most significant elements of it (Sellers and Tomaszewski 88). In addition to that, people believe that they are responsible for electing the government and the President; so, they acknowledge their role in the formation of the political world (Schultz 229). This has important implication as if the government does not act according to the will of the majority it can be dismissed. There is a pair of concepts that often generates heated debates in the society. They are liberty and equality. A part of the population argues that government should never interfere with the private lives, while other are willing to surrender a part of their liberties to feel secured. A good example is the discussion of USA PATRIOT Act after September 11. As for equality, some suggest that all citizens should be recognized as equal and goods and services should be equally distributed, while others favor natural inequality as a result of one’s personal endeavor. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage should be recognized as legal and this contributed to conflicts over the meaning of liberty and equality. A part of the nation argues that marriages as a personal matter and the government cannot dictate who to marry; furthermore, sexual minorities should be seen as equal to ordinary citizens.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Deisel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Deisel - Essay Example Since Diesel lies in the luxury sector, the products and services provided to the clients in the United States are on the high-end wealth spectrum. These groups are insensitive to prices and prefer spending their income and time on clothes as well as other accessories that portray opulence as opposed to necessities. For these reasons, the prestige and luxury brands that Diesel provides its clients in the United States have attracted an unwavering and illogical loyalty from consumers (Trebay). In the United States today, the luxury scene has been influenced by a variety of factors. A mass class of rich people has developed in different regions across the country. This is due to social, economic, and technological breakthroughs. In addition, Diesel has been forced to introduce a broad range of luxury brands in the company in order to eliminate the barriers that have dominated the industry for some time. It has also provided the different groups of consumers with more choice in order to succeed in the market. Furthermore, the rapid growth being witnessed in information, digital, and communication technology has allowed Diesel to give its consumers in the U.S. more variety in terms of luxury products. In this case, the company is able to view choices as well as lower switching costs particularly in the Internet. This has made it possible for clients to be more experimental, individualistic and bold enough to combine luxury as well as high-street fashion to a single outfit (T rebay). To continue operating successfully in the United States, Diesel has manipulated its marketing mix strategies, which have allowed the company to christen its fashion brands for it to be similar to other luxury brands in the country. Furthermore, the prevalence of mass-premium brands is prevalent in best locations, such as New York. In this case, the company is now capable of acting as well as speaking as a high-end brand that has set the trend in the country. Diesel has managed
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Cloud Database Essay Example for Free
Cloud Database Essay Introduction: The cloud computing is the next generation of the computing, its advantages, advancements and research are a plenty. In recent years, the term â€Å"cloud computing†has been critical in the world of IT. Cloud computing, or the use of internet-based technologies to conduct business, is recognized as an important area for IT innovation and investment (Armbrust et al. , 2010; Goscinski and Brock, 2010; Tuncay, 2010). Cloud computing has spread out through the main areas related to information systems (IS) and technologies, such as operating systems, application software, and technological solutions for firms (Armbrust et al., 2010). The promise of cloud computing is to deliver all the functionality of existing information technology services even as it dramatically reduces the upfront costs of computing that deter many organizations from deploying many cutting-edge IT services (J.Staten, 2009). Cloud computing represents a convergence of two major trends in information technology  (a) IT efficiency, whereby the power of modern computers is utilized more efficiently through highly scalable hardware and software resources and (b) business agility, whereby IT can be used as a competitive tool through rapid deployment, parallel batch processing, use of compute-intensive business analytics and mobile interactive applications that respond in real time to user requirements (W.Kim, 2009). The impetus for change right now is seen predominantly from a costs perspective, as organizations increasingly discover that their substantial capital investments in information technology are often grossly underutilized (Sean Marston et al., 2010). Although there have been many recent publications that discuss various features, opportunities and issues related to Cloud services ([Jane Anderson et al., 2010], [Sam Goundar et al., 2011]), but only few scholars have attempted to explain the factors for adoption of cloud database ([Chinyao Low et al., 2011]). Related studies have looked at Strategic research model for Enterprise Information Planning adoption with Technology, Organization and Environment as moderators (Liu hongjun et al., 2010). The gap in this research is that both TOE and TAM model are not being looked as one model explaining Cloud database adoption. This study investigates the cloud database acceptance by combining the work done by (Chinyao Low et al., 2011) pertaining to Understanding the determinants of cloud computing adoption and (Liu hongjun et al., 2010) pertaining to Strategy Research of Enterprise Information Planning based on TOE-TAM model. Also this study discusses about the key advantages and challenges faced by implementing Cloud database. As the cloud services are increasingly expanding through research and development. This study will be constructive to the cloud service development and growth. Literature Review: Nevertheless, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provides one of the most parsimonious, yet robust, models in explaining Information and Communication Technology characteristics and their effects on consumer adoption/use of new ICTs (Kenneth C.C. Yang, 2005). Internet is a product of Information Technology; as such Internet Cloud services should be explained as a part of Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989; Davis et al. 1989). TAM is a parsimonious and theoretically justified model intended to explain information technology adoption (van der Heijden, 2003). TAM has two main keywords which are user’s adoption intention and actual usage. The user adoption intention is called as â€Å"Perceived usefulness†, which is defined as â€Å"the degree to which a person believes using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance†(van der Heijden, 2003). The actual usage is called as â€Å"perceived-ease-of-use†, which is defined as â€Å"the degree of to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort†(van der Heijden, 2003). TAM theorizes that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness affect the consumer adoption decisions (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). Organization will have influence on new technology acceptance from three aspects: T (tech), O (organization) and E (environment). The tech includes existing technology of an enterprise and technology which has not been introduced on the market. Organization generally refers to the scope and scale of an enterprise, including management structure characteristics, and human resource status. Environment is also called regulation on industry and transactions with partners, competitors and government. TOE model is highly systematic, widely used to analyze influence factors of information technology adoption in different fields in recent years. Several studies (Chau and Tam, 1997; Chong and Ooi, 2008; Kuan and Chau, 2001; Lin and Lin, 2008; Oliveira and Martins, 2010; Pan and Jang, 2008; Shirish and Teo, 2010; Zhu et al., 2004) have been credited with proposing the TOE framework, developed by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990), to analyse IT adoption by firms. The TOE framework identifies three context groups: technological, organizational, and environmental. The technological context refers to internal and external technologies applicable to the firm. Organisational context refers to several indexes regarding the origination, such as firm size and scope, centralisation, formalization, and complexity of managerial structure and the quality of human resources. Environmental context refers to a firm’s industry, competitors and government policy or intention. The TOE framework is consistent with Rogers’ (1983) theory of innovation diffusion (Pan and Jang, 2008; Shirish and Teo, 2010; Wang et al., 2010), which recognizes the following five technological characteristics as precedents for any adoption decision: relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability, and trial ability. Therefore, the TOE framework explains the adoption of innovation and a considerable number of empirical studies have focused on various IS doma ins. Swanson (1995) contended that adoption of complex IT innovations requires an advantageous technology portfolio, organizational structure, and environmental strategy. Chau and Tam(1997) adopted the TOE framework and explained three factors that affect the adoption of open systems. These factors are the characteristics of the innovation, organizational technology, and external environment. Kuan and Chau (2001) confirmed the utility of the TOE framework adopting complex IS innovations. Several studies are grounded in the TOE framework for assessing the value of e-business at the firm level (Lin and Lin, 2008; Oliveira and Martins, 2010; Zhu et al., 2004). They found that technological readiness (the significant factor), financial resources, global scope, and regulatory environment contribute strongly to e-business value. Hong and Zhu (2006) considered the TOE framework in the adoption of e-commerce and the identification of new factors that fit the characteristics of type III innovation. Shirish and Teo (2010) demonstrated the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the TOE framework and suggested that policy makers should consider measures to enhance development of e-government and e-business collectively. Pan and Jang (2008) examined the factors within the TOE framework that affect the decision to adopt ERP in Taiwan’s communications industry. Chong and Ooi (2008) utilised the TOE model empirically to examine the factors that affect the adoption of the RosettaNet standard. Conceptual Model: The foundation of theoretical model consists of TAM and TOE model. During the last two decades, Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989; Davis et al. 1989) has emerged as a powerful explanation to account for the influence of technology acceptance behaviors in a wide variety of IT. This study focuses on positive effect of Technology, Organization and Environment on the Technology Acceptance Model among high-tech Industries. Few previous studies, if any, have focused on the adoption and acceptance of cloud database. Nor did previous studies examine the effect of TOE and TAM for the acceptance of cloud database. Research Model: Based on our theoretical proposition that relates TOE (Technology, Organization and Environment and Technology) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) a research model (Figure 2) has been developed and propose six hypotheses grounded in the cloud database context. Technology Acceptance Model and Cloud Database: A cloud database is a part of Information Technology; as such the intention to use the cloud database should be explained in part of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This model has been used in number of research and numerous empirical results show that TAM is a parsimonious and robust model (Gefen and Straub, 2000). According to TAM, the intention to use a new technology is affected by 1.Perceived usefulness (PU) and 2.Perceived ease of use (PEOU). PU is defined as a belief that using a technology will enhance a person’s job performance, while PEOU is defined as the degree to which a person believes that using an IT will be free of effort. TAM has been discussed in great detail by (Gefen and Straub 2000; Venkatesh and Davis 2000). As shown in previous research (Gefen et al. 2000), this study hypothesize that paths predicted by TAM apply also to internet cloud service usage. As in previous TAM studies, the underlying logic are users react rationally when select an Information Technology to work on. The more useful and easy to use is the internet Cloud service in enabling the users to accomplish their tasks, the more it will be used: H1: PEOU will positively affect PU of an internet Cloud service. H2: PU will positively affect intended use of an internet Cloud service. H3: PEOU will positively affect intended use of an internet Cloud service.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Character of Tarquin in Macbeth and Cymbeline Essay -- comparison
The Character of Tarquin in Macbeth and Cymbeline Tarquin’s image as a man of dastardly action becomes part of both Shakespeare's Macbeth and Cymbeline. As Iachimo emerges from a box in Imogen's bedchamber he speaks, and his words reflect the feeling not only of himself but all trespassers in Shakespeare's plays. Iachimo likens his actions to that of Tarquin, a Roman Tyrant who rapes the matron Lucrece. His trespassing in Imogen's bed chamber while she is sleeping is to Iachimo like rape. He violates her space and privacy. Similarly in the play Macbeth, Macbeth before killing Duncan invokes the image of Tarquin, "With Tarquin's ravishing strides towards, his design Moves like a ghost. Thou sure and firm set earth hear not my steps" (2.1.55-58). Both plays use of the image of Tarquin reveals fascinating intricacies about the way in which Shakespeare takes traditional; images of rapists and murders and re-uses them to relate to the actions of the characters in the play. By invoking th...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Alternative Beverages
Alternative beverages competed on the basis of differentiation from traditional drinks such as carbonated soft drinks or fruit juices. The market started out with low competition, however that is rapidly changing as many new product lines enter and profit margins will inevitably suffer from the price reduction. The rest of the beverage industry is faced with low profit margins because of high competition and little ability to differentiate products. The alternative beverage segment help companies to sustain volume growth in mature markets where consumers were reducing their consumption of carbonated soft drinks.Also the alternative beverage industry offered products that catered to different demographics. For example energy drinks were purchased more by teens and young adults while energy shots were bought by adults to get extra boosts of energy during the work day. In addition the vitamin-enhanced drinks and sports drinks went more toward athletes and people who exercised often. Thi s differs from just the usual carbonated soft drinks that people were used to drinking. Now they had products that they could consume for different activities.Demand is expected to grow worldwide as consumer purchasing power is increased and alternative beverages offered profit margins much higher than those of other beverages. One key characteristic in the beverage market was introduction of the energy shots and they were an important growth factor in the industry; the 5 hour energy shot was introduced in 2004 and took the market by storm with its high containments of B6, B12 and caffeine. Competitor’s course introduced energy shots to the market but none have come close to the 5 hour energy shot, with it holding 85% of the market share in 2009.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay on Of Mice and Men - 924 Words
Mykel Pierre Mrs. Crandall American Literature- 2nd 25 March 2013 Of Mice and Men â€Å"Dammit Lennie!†is something I always imagine George saying every two chapters of this story. George and Lennie were both inspired by real people that Steinbeck met when he was a bindlestiff in the 1920’s. The man who inspired Lennie was a mentally unstable who was very nice but also had major anger problems. Steinbeck used a character like this that can be easily controlled so he could use indirect characterization of George and Lennie as alpha male and subordinate to express the theme of friendship. Towards the beginning of the book, Steinbeck immediately establishes George and Lennie roles and friendship. â€Å"They had walked in single file down the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœWith us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. We don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jack jus’ because we got no place else to go. If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us.’Lennie broke in†¦ Because†¦ because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.’†(Steinbeck 13). This short passage in the story is a blatant example of friendship as George says how they both have someone who care about the other when most people in their positions aren’t so fortunate. Francisco Castro writes: â€Å"George always is angered by mistakes Lennie does and sometimes wishes he wasn’t with Lennie but he stays because he really needs him and Lennie needs him too†(Castro). This also explains that George and Lennie depend on each other no matter how much George maybe mad at Lennie for misbehaving. In the final chapters, Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife which results in Curley trying to find and kill Lennie. â€Å"And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennieâ₠¬â„¢s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger†¦Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering†(Steinbeck 106). Although this might be an odd quote to use, it actually shows that George was doing a favor by killing Lennie in this way so heShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men1242 Words  | 5 PagesOf Mice and Men Thomas Hobbes in his Leviathan states that, in the state of nature mans life is nasty, brutish and short. In depression era America, no greater truth could be said. There were millions unemployed, largely unskilled and living on the margins of society. The lowest of the low were the migrant labourers travelling from place to place trying to scratch a living. They often had to travel illegally by freight car with all its consequent dangers. Their life expectancy was low, crimeRead MoreOf Mice and Men961 Words  | 4 PagesPeople have a tendency to lose sight of their goals and dreams. Mentally, people struggle to maintain their sanity in this game of life that has no set of rules. In the book Of Mice and Men, this story portrays the inequality between people’s dreams and what can actually be accomplished. John Steinbeck, the author Of Mice and Men, utilizes his general themes of friendship and loneliness, through his deep characterization and connection between characters i n order to illustrate â€Å"The American dream.†TheRead MoreOf Mice and Men1352 Words  | 6 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay - Fate or Choice? Choice is defined by the ‘Shorter Oxford Dictionary’ as; â€Å"The act of choosing; preferential determination between things proposed.†It also states the definition for fate; â€Å"The principle, power, or agency by which events are unalterably predetermined from eternity.†Is our life choice, can we determine our fate by choosing our path or is our destiny determined for us? John Steinbeck puts forward this question in his novella Of Mice and MenRead MoreMice and men1998 Words  | 8 PagesHey this essay is about me not having one and just wanting a free account.GCSE JOHN STEINBECK The first 200 words of this essay... à ¯Ã‚ »Ã‚ ¿Of Mice and Men Essay à ¢Of Mice and Menà ¢ is the fictional short novel written by John Steinbeck in 1937. Steinbeckà ¢s perspective when writing the novel could be based on the fact that he had once worked on a ranch and had a certain fascination about it. The novel is set in 1930s America and this can be seen as the cause of the very enduring culmination that takesRead MoreOf Mice and Men1006 Words  | 5 Pagesheart of every novel.†In your view, what are the distinctive ideas explored in Of Mice and Men? Explain how these ideas are developed throughout the novel. Themes are integral and fundamental aspects which render the literature valuable. They usually provide insight into the author’s perception and internalisations of the world in which they live. Set in California during the Great Depression, Of Mice and Men, by Steinbeck, illustrates the hardships experienced by individuals as they roamed theRead MoreOF MICE AND MEN1721 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿In the book Of Mice and Men, the single women that appeared in the book resented herself as an object. The statement Women today are more often treated by men as equals rather than objects can be true or false. A man that goes to Gentleman s Cubs every night is a different man that studies at Harvard Law School. A striper is going to be a different person than a CEO of a successful business. It’s all about how you present yourself. In Of Mice and Men, Curley s wife presents herself in a seductiveRead MoreOf Mice and Men1035 Words  | 5 PagesFriendship of George and Lenny The book Of Mice and Men focuses on the friendship of two migrant workers in California at a time when most of the work was done by people and not by machines.  George was a small man who acted worldly and wise.  Lennie was a huge man that had the mind of a child.  Together George and Lennie would bounce from job to job with no money in their pockets and only the dream of someday owning a place of their own to keep them going.  The two men were not able to stay in one placeRead MoreOf Mice and Men547 Words  | 2 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s landmark novel Of Mice and Men is perhaps best known for its revolutionary telling of two characters that are very different, but have come to rely on each other to survive during the Great Depression. The two characters are men named George and Lenny. George is somewhat of an average fellow who has no real special skills or attributes. Lenny is large and abnormally strong, but unfortunately has the mind of a child. Le nnie looks up to George as if he were a role model. This statementRead MoreMice and Men822 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Of Mice and Men†The Great Depression took place in the United States in the 1930s. Northern California, Salinas Valley was affected by the Great Depression. Many farmers lost their properties and were forced to find other work. Banks were forced to foreclose on mortgages’ and had to collect debts. Hundreds of thousands of farmers packed up their families and few belongings, and headed for California. The Great Depression left many people in poverty and caused them to face unpleasant eventsRead MoreOf Mice and Men1171 Words  | 5 PagesOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Q- â€Å"I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her†what is the reader supposed to think about Curley’s wife? * How is she described by the other characters? * How the author describes her * How she speaks/behaves * Her dreams * Is she the cause of all the trouble Written By Ruqayyah Draey Curley’s wife is not well described and respected by the other characters. She is often looked down upon and discriminated
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